IN Spring 1987
on Stealing the Language: The Emergence of Women’s Poetry in America by Alicia Ostriker
IN Fall 1987
on Female Adolescence: Psychoanalytic Reflections on Works of Literature by Katherine Dalsimer
IN Winter 1987
IN Spring 1989
The Art of Resistance (on An Ear to the Ground: An Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry by Marie Harris and Kathleen Aguero; From South Africa: New Writing, Photographs, and Art by David Bunn and Jane Taylor; Seeds of Fire: Chinese Voices of Conscience by Geremie Barme and John Minford)
IN Fall 1990
on Narodniki Women: Russian Women Who Sacrificed Themselves for the Dream of Freedom by Margaret Maxwell
IN Summer 1992
on Conversations Before the End of Time: Dialogues on Art, Life, and Spiritual Renewal by Suzi Gablik
IN Fall 1996
IN Spring 1997