IN Fall 1973
IN Winter 1973
IN Summer 1974
IN Fall 1981
IN Fall 1989
Lives of the American Poet (on Marianne Moore: A Literary Life by Charles Molesworth; Becoming a Poet: Elizabeth Bishop with Marianne Moore and Robert Lowell by David Kalstone; Randall Jarrell: A Literary Life by William H. Pritchard; & Dream Song: The Life Of John Berryman by Paul Mariani)
IN Fall 1991
Three Wildernesses: Pablo Picasso, Woody Allen, Anne Sexton (on A Life of Picasso: Volume I 1881-1906 by John Richardson and Marilyn McCully; Woody Allen: A Biography by Eric Lax; & Anne Sexton: A Biography by Diane Wood Middlebrook)
IN Fall 1992
Life, Death, and American Afterlife (on Images of Afterlife: Beliefs from Antiquity to Modern Times by Geddes MacGregor; Confrontations with the Reaper: A Philosophical Study of the Nature and Value of Death by Fred Feldman; & When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in Modern American Culture by Paul Boyer)
IN Fall 1993
Science, Literature, and Their Cultural Gap (on American Literature and Science by Robert J. Scholnick; The Literature of Science: Perspectives on Popular Science Writing by Murdo William McRae; Science as Writing by David Locke; Yorick’s World: Science and the Knowing Subject by Peter Caws; & Chemistry Imagined: Reflections on Science by Roald Hoffman, Vivian Torrence)
IN Winter 1994
IN Fall 1995
IN Spring 1997
Landscapes of Mind and Matter (on A Vision of Nature: Traces of the Original World by Michael Tobias; Political Landscape: The Art History of Nature by Martin Warnke; & Landscape in America by George F. Thompson)
IN Fall 1997
Herman Melville’s Literary Lives (on Melville and His Circle: The Last Years by William B. Dillingham; Melville: A Biography by Laurie Robertson-Lorant; and Herman Melville: A Biography, Volume 1, 1819-1851 by Hershel Parker)
IN Spring 1998
Worlds and Seas: Poets on Poetry (on The Work of Poetry by John Hollander; Some Necessary Angels: Essays on Writing and Politics by Jay Parini; and The Catbird’s Song: Prose Pieces 1963-1995 by Richard Wilbur)
IN Spring 1999
on The Only Thing That Counts: The Ernest Hemingway–Maxwell Perkins Correspondence, 1925-1947 edited by Matthew J. Bruccoli
IN Winter 1999
IN Fall 2000
The Elegant Dances of Marcel Proust and W. B. Yeats (on Marcel Proust: A Life by William C. Carter; Yeats’s Ghosts: The Secret Life of W. B. Yeats by Brenda Maddox)
IN Winter 2000
Essays of Our Time and Clime (on The Book of Twentieth-Century Essays, edited by Ian Hamilton and The Best American Essays of the Century, edited by Joyce Carol Oates and Robert Atwan)
IN Spring 2001
A Gathering of Literary Tribes: “Small” Magazine Anthologies (on Best of Prairie Schooner: Fiction and Poetry, edited by Hilda Raz; Best of Prairie Schooner: Personal Essays, edited by Hilda Raz and Kate Flaherty; A Fine Excess: Fifty Years of The Beloit Poetry Journal, edited by Marion K. Stocking; The Body Electric: America’s Best Poetry from the American Poetry Review, edited by Stephen Berg, David Bonanno, and Arthur Vogelsang; and Three special issues of Poetry East [boxed set], edited by Richard Jones
IN Fall 2002
Poets on Poets and Poetry (on Poetry as Survival by Gregory Orr; God and the Imagination: On Poets, Poetry, and the Ineffable by Paul Mariani; The Demon and the Angel: Searching for the Source of Artistic Inspiration by Edward Hirsch; Desperate Measures by William Logan; and The Instant of Knowing: Lectures, Criticism, and Occasional Prose by Josephine Jacobsen and Elizabeth Spires)
IN Summer 2003
Mirrors: American Poetry Pure and Impure (on The Resistance to Poetry by James Longenbach; Coin of the Realm: Essays on the Life and Art of Poetry by Carl Phillips; and American Scream: Allen Ginsberg’s Howl and the Making of the Beat Generation by Jonah Raskin)
IN Spring 2005
Culture and Literature: Three Collections of Letters (on A Much Misunderstood Man: Selected Letters of Ambrose Bierce, edited by S. T. Joshi and David E. Schultz; The Humane Particulars: The Collected Letters of William Carlos Williams and Kenneth Burke, edited by James H. East; and Letters 1925-1975: Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger, edited by Ursula Ludz)
IN Fall 2005
Stories True and Not: Six Anthologies of Our “Best” Writing (on The Best American Short Stories 2004, edited by Lorrie Moore; The O. Henry Prize Stories 2005, edited by Laura Furman; New Stories from the South: The Year’s Best 2005, edited by Shannon Ravenel; Pushcart Prize XXIX: Best of the Small Presses, 2005 edition, edited by Bill Henderson; The Best American Mystery Stories 2004, edited by Nelson DeMille; and The Best American Sports Writing 2004, edited by Richard Ben Kramer)
Memoirs on Our Mind (on I’ve Heard the Vultures Singing: Field Notes on Poetry, Illness, and Nature by Lucia Perillo; Room for Doubt by Wendy Lesser; Learning to Fly: A Writer’s Memoir by Mary Lee Settle; Kinfolks: Falling Off the Family Tree: The Search for My Melungeon Ancestors by Lisa Alther; Bigger than Life: A Murder, a Memoir by Dinah Lenney; and Just Breathe Normally by Peggy Shumaker)
IN Winter 2008
Angles and Angels of American Poetry (on Norman Finkelstein’s On Mount Vision: Forms of the Sacred in Contemporary American Poetry; Marjorie Perloff’s Unoriginal Genius: Poetry by Other Means in the New Century; Brett C. Millier’s Flawed Light: American Women Poets and Alcohol; and Samuel Hazo’s The Stroke of a Pen: Essays on Poetry and Other Provocations)
IN Summer 2012
Reshaping Art’s War Against Nature (on Melissa Kwasny’s Earth Recitals: Essays on Image and Vision; Michael W. Clune’s Writing Against Time; and Ali Smith’s Artful)
IN Summer 2014
on I Greet You at the Beginning of a Great Career: The Selected Correspondence of Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Allen Ginsberg, 1955–1997, edited by Bill Morgan
IN Summer 2016