IN Spring 1979
IN Spring 1980
IN Winter 1981
IN Fall 1982
IN Spring 1986
IN Summer 1986
IN Fall 1986
“A Million Million Suns”: Poetry and Science (on Light at the Edge by Devreaux Baker; Night Thoughts and Henry Vaughan by David Young; Inventing Angels by Gary Fincke; Fermi Buffalo by Louise McNeill; & Science and Other Poems by Alison Hawthorne Deming)
IN Fall 1995
Five New Southern Women Poets (on At Every Wedding Someone Stays Home by Dannye Romine Powell; Ceiling of the World by Alice Rose George; Dangerous Neighborhoods by Marnie Prange; Old & New Testaments by Lynn Powell; and A Garden in Kentucky by Jane Gentry)
IN Spring 1996
Piecework: The Longer Poem Returns (on Corvus by Anselm Hollo; Muse & Drudge by Harryette Mullen; The Invention of the Zero by Richard Kenney; and Kyrie by Ellen Bryant Voigt)
IN Fall 1996
The Contemporary Long Poem: Minding the Kinds (on The Diviners by Robert McDowell; Middens of the Tribe by Daniel Hoffman; Quartet by Angela Ball; & The Descent of Alette by Alice Notley)
IN Spring 1997
IN Fall 1997
on Between the Lines: A History of Poetry in Letters, 1962-2002 by Joseph Parisi and Stephen Young
IN Spring 2007