IN Fall 1978
IN Summer 1979
Ethical, Rational, Political, Poetical: What the Essay Is Doing Now (on Natural Classicism: Essays on Literature and Science by Frederick Turner; Skeptical Engagements by Frederick Crews; & Less Than One: Selected Essays by Joseph Brodsky)
IN Summer 1987
The Hegemony of “Hegemony”: Criticism, Capitalism, and Being in the World (on The Political Responsibility of the Critic by Jim Merod & Politics of Letters by Richard Ohmann)
IN Spring 1988
Cultural Power (on Highbrow/Lowbrow: The Emergence of Cultural Hierarchy in America by Lawrence W. Levine & Boxed In: The Culture of TV by Mark Crispin Miller)
IN Spring 1989
IN Fall 1989
IN Summer 1991
IN Fall 2005