Sueyeun Juliette Lee

Sueyeun Juliette Lee lives in Denver, Colorado. Her books include No Comet, That Serpent in the Sky Means Noise (Kore Press, 2017), Solar Maximum (Futurepoem Books, 2015), Underground National (Factory School Press, 2010), and That Gorgeous Feeling (Coconut Press, 2008). Her latest, Aerial Concave Without Cloud, is forthcoming from Nightboat Books in 2021. A former Pew Fellow in the Arts for Literature, Lee has held residencies internationally in poetry, dance, and video art. Her essays have appeared with The Volta, Constant Critic, Jacket2, and The Poetry Foundation, and she has provided editorial support to the Asian American Writers’ Workshop and the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center. 


on Unsun by Andrew Zawacki

Andrew Zawacki’s latest poetry collection, Unsun, refracts recurring interests in sunlight and perception as a way of making visible our slow-going collective disaster. The nature of this disaster is manifold: […]

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