L. S. McKee

L. S. McKee’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Crazyhorse, Copper NickelBlackbird, Gulf Coast, Ninth Letter, and elsewhere. She earned her MFA from the University of Maryland, was a Wallace Stegner fellow in poetry at Stanford University, and has received scholarships and grants from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference and Berea College’s Appalachian Sound Archives, among others. McKee teaches at the University of West Georgia and lives in Atlanta, where she is co-founder of Narrative Collective, an organization which supports collaborative projects of both Atlanta-based and international writers.


Alva and the Complex Pool

You see, sooner or later, everything falters  into radiance. The smallest components of our pent-up    contingencies ignite. Energy shimmers in every cell.  This afternoon, for example, from the balcony  […]

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