A Fool’s Pradakshina & Time’s Camp

Suman Chhabra is the author of Demons Off (Meekling Press, 2015). Her work has been supported by Kundiman, the Poetry Foundation, Ragdale, and Vermont Studio Center. She has published in The Massachusetts Review, Chicago Reader, Bennington Review, and other journals and anthologies. Chhabra teaches courses on contemporary Asian American literature at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. 

Def Leppard Slickened the Garden & Untitled, 1986

Darin Ciccotelli has published poems in BOMB Magazine, Colorado Review, Fence, Subtropics, and ZYZZYVA. He received his MFA from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas and his PhD from the University of Houston. He recently received an Individual Creative Writing Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. He teaches at Soka University of America.

Misplaced & Pyre

Ronnie Sirmans is the digital platforms editor at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. His poems have appeared in Tar River Poetry, The South Carolina Review, Atlanta Review, Plainsongs, Journal of the American Medical Association, and elsewhere. 

Cloven; My People; What We Want; Every Feeling Has a Secret Pocket; Ode to the Serviceberry; & Becoming Subatomic

Luisa A. Igloria is the author of Caulbearer (Black Lawrence Press, 2024), Maps for Migrants and Ghosts (Southern Illinois University Press, 2020), and The Buddha Wonders if She Is Having a Mid-Life Crisis (Phoenicia Publishing, 2018), as well as twelve other books and four chapbooks. Originally from Baguio City, she makes her home in Norfolk, Virginia, where she was the state’s twentieth poet laureate and is a professor in Old Dominion University’s MFA Creative Writing Program.

It Won’t Be Long & In Sicily, translated from the French by Nancy Naomi Carlson

Abdourahman A. Waberi, born in Djibouti, is considered a major voice in African postcolonial studies. He has received a multitude of awards and honors, including a PEN France prize, and, most recently, a medal from the Académie Française. A nomad at heart, Waberi has been a visiting professor in such countries as France, Germany, Austria, and the United States. Since 2012, he has been a professor of French and Francophone studies at George Washington University. 

Fatigue; Insomnia; & New Balance

Nicholas Wong is a poet, translator, and visual artist from Hong Kong. He is the author of Crevasse (Kaya Press, 2015), winner of a Lambda Literary Award, and Besiege Me (Noemi, 2021). His forthcoming projects include a collaborative writing-translating commission by M+ Museum in Hong Kong on Cindy Sherman and Yasumasa Morimura. He is a 2024 International Writing Program resident at the University of Iowa and teaches at the Education University of Hong Kong. 


María Berrío—The Dream of Flight (2019); Louise Bourgeois—Cell II (1991); Ruth Asawa—Untitled (S.372) (1954) / Imogen Cunningham—Ruth Asawa 3 & Ruth Asawa, Sculptor and Her Children (1957); Lorraine O’Grady—Flowers of Evil and Good (1998— ); and Sister Corita Kent—HA (1966)


María Berrío—The Dream of Flight (2019)

collage with Japanese paper and watercolor paint


[there is a photo of me lying just like this in front of my sister, hands folded over my chest and holding a bouquet…

Rochelle Hurt is the author of the poetry collections The J Girls: A Reality Show (Indiana University Press, 2022), In Which I Play the Runaway (Barrow Street, 2016), and The Rusted City: A Novel in Poems (White Pine, 2014). Recent work appears in Poetry, The Southern Review, and AGNI. She lives in Orlando and teaches in the MFA program at the University of Central Florida. 

from ocean or tree

Dong Li is a multilingual author who translates from Chinese, English, French, and German. His debut poetry collection, The Orange Tree (University of Chicago Press, 2023), was the inaugural winner of the Phoenix Emerging Poet Book Prize and a finalist for Poetry Society of America’s Four Quartets Prize. 

A Final Eulogy; Crossfire; & Territorial

Suphil Lee Park (수필/秀筆李朴) is the author of a poetry chapbook, Still Life (Factory Hollow Press, 2023), selected by Ilya Kaminsky as the winner of the Tomaž Šalamun Prize, and the poetry collection Present Tense Complex (Conduit Books & Ephemera, 2021), winner of the Marystina Santiestevan First Book Prize.