A Gathering of Literary Tribes: “Small” Magazine Anthologies (on Best of Prairie Schooner: Fiction and Poetry, edited by Hilda Raz; Best of Prairie Schooner: Personal Essays, edited by Hilda Raz and Kate Flaherty; A Fine Excess: Fifty Years of The Beloit Poetry Journal, edited by Marion K. Stocking; The Body Electric: America’s Best Poetry from the American Poetry Review, edited by Stephen Berg, David Bonanno, and Arthur Vogelsang; and Three special issues of Poetry East [boxed set], edited by Richard Jones

Edward Butscher’s poetry and criticism have appeared in numerous literary journals and publications, including the Saturday Review of Literature, Newsday, and the American Book Review. In 1976 he published the first biography of Sylvia Plath, and in 1988 his biography Conrad Aiken: Poet of White Horse Vale won the Poetry Society of America’s Melville Cane Award.