Dances with Historians (on The New Historicism by H. Aram Veeser; The History in Literature: On Value, Genre, Institutions by Herbert Lindenberger; Between History and Literature by Lionel Gossman; Arguing with the Past: Essays in Narrative from Woolf to Sidney by Gillian Beer; Listening for the Text: On the Uses of the Past by Brian Stock; Para/Worlds: Entanglements of Art and History by Donald Pearce; Clues, Myths, and the Historical Method by Carlo Ginzburg, John Tedeschi, and Anne C. Tedeschi; Keeping Time: Memory, Nostalgia, and the Art of History by Peter N. Carroll; Time Passages: Collective Memory and American Popular Culture by George Lipsitz; & Writing the Apocalypse: Historical Vision in Contemporary U. S. and Latin Ameri can Fiction by Lois Parkinson Zamora)