Readers on the Hook: An Interview with Janette Turner Hospital
From the Fall 2014 Issue
Charlotte Zoë Walker’s novel Condor and Hummingbird was published by Alice Walker’s Wild Trees Press in 1986 and by the Women’s Press in the United Kingdom in 1987. She has also published about a dozen short stories, as well as essays on literature and nature, and edited two books on naturalist John Burroughs (The Art of Seeing Things and Sharp Eyes, both from Syracuse University Press). Her previous publication in The Georgia Review was “The Very Pineapple,” which was reprinted in Prize Stories 1991: The O. Henry Awards. She has been a recipient of the National Endowment for the Arts fellowship, and is nearing completion of her third novel, Gray Face and Eve. She is a professor emerita of English and women’s studies at SUNY-Oneonta.