Self-Portrait of an Arizona Snowman; Letter to Antarctica as One Big Polaroid Slide Developing Spring; Small Talk of a Scarecrow; Self-Portrait of an Abominable Snowman in Ski Game; Sticky Note to the Moon; & These Leaders Are Here for You


Sticky Note to the Moon


What a dust bunny you are in space.
America hacked into you, put a flag on your face.
You are not the sun, duh.
You white twisty tie on a bagged day.
You move, Sunday behind you.


Jeevan Anthony Narney was born in India but grew up in Arizona. He is a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, Kundiman Fellow, and a teaching artist for the Nebraska Writers Collective. His work has appeared in the Bellevue Literary Review,, Spiral Orb, The Drunken Boat, and Right Hand Pointing. He received his MFA in creative writing from the University of Arizona and currently teaches at Metropolitan Community College in Omaha, Nebraska.