Fall 1971


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Fall 1971

Table of Contents


An Interview with Walker Percy

In Defense of Flannery O’Connor’s Dragon

People Not Pedagogy: Education in Old Virginia

The Rape of the Schoolmarm

The Redneck


The Lizard of Conques


Tennessee Tundra


on Action this Day. Working with Churchil by sir John Wheeler-Bennett

on Losing Battles by Eudora Welty

on The Apocalyptic Vision in Paradise Lost by Leland Ryken

on The Melville Archetype by Martin Leonard Pops

on The World Upside-Down: Comedy from Jonson to Fielding by Ian Donaldson

on Thomas Taylor the Platonist: Selected Writings by Kathleen Raine, George Mills Harper

on Tyranny of Concepts: A Critique of Marxism by Gordon Leff