Fall 1972



Fall 1972

Table of Contents


Faulkner and Scott and the Legacy of the Lost Cause

Georgiana Revisited: The Beehive Press in Perspective

How Custer’s “Last Stand” Got Its Name

Scholarship and the Idea of Criticism: Recent Writing on Yeats

The Logic Beneath “The Open Boat”

The Man on the Quaker Oats Box: Characteristics of Recent Experimental Fiction

The Muddled Politics of Henry James’s “The Bostonians”


Who Shall Keep the Keepers Themselves?


In the Village Cemetery, Lincoln, Massachusetts; Waking; & Letter from a Far City

Into the North

Metamorphosis; After the Party; Old Sailor; Immortal Africanus; & Rain

Of Dense Bodies and Opaque Surfaces & Verses in Protest Against the Alphabet

Offered Here for the First Time: The Unpublished Journal of Sylvia Plath

Sweet and Worn Out & A Glitter

Under Those Banyan Trees


on A History of Georgia from its First Discovery by Europeans to the Adoption of the Present Constitution in MDCCXCVIII by William Bacon Stevens, E. Merton Coulter

on D. H. Lawrence and the New World by David Cavitch; Toward Women in Love by Stephen J. Miko; & D. H. Lawrence: Body of Darkness by R. E. Pritchard

on Mortal Consequences: A History from the Detective Story to the Crime Novel by Julian Symons

on Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe by Daniel Hoffman

on That Ambitious Mr. Legaré: The Life of James M. Legaré of South Carolina, Including a Collected Edition of His Verse by Curtis Carroll Davis

on The Growth of Word Meaning by Jeremy M. Anglin

on The Poetry of Randall Jarrell by Suzanne Ferguson

on The Prairie School: Frank Lloyd Wright and his Midwest Contemporaries by H. Allen Brooks

on The World of Flannery O’Connor by Josephine Hendin