Knowledge, Belief, and Bubblegum (on Endurance: AN Antarctic Idyll and Going Under by Donald Finkel; A Circus Of Needs by Stephen Dunn; Standing Watch by Christopher Bursk; Who Shall Be the Sun? by David Wagoner; & Mirabell: Books of Number by James Merrill)
on Telling Lives: The Biographer’s Art by Leon Edel, Justin Kaplan, Alfred Kazin, Doris Kearns, Theodore Rosengarten, Barbara W. Tuchman, Geoffrey Wolff, Marc Pachter; and Dubin’s Lives by Bernard Malamud
The Joy of Sports Books: A Tout Sheet (on From Ritual to Record: The Nature of Modern Sports by Allen Guttmann; The Big Game: College Sports and American Life by Edwin H. Cady; & Fielder’s Choice: AN Anthology of Baseball Fiction by Jerome Holtzman)
Wild Civility: Nature and Restraint in the Metaphor of the Garden (on The Idea of the Garden in the Renaissance by Terry Comito; Charles Bridgeman and the English Landscape Garden. Studies in Architecture, Vol. 17 by Peter Willis; & The English Landscape Garden by David Jarrett)