Fall 1984



Fall 1984

Table of Contents


American Theater Watch, 1983–1984

Even the Smallest Position

Myth as the Matrix of Literature

The Night of the Acacia

The Thousand and One Nights translated by Eliot Weinberger



A Week in South Dakota

from “You Know What Is Right”

Jairus’ Daughter

Sir Thomas More in the Hall of Languages

The Gittel


“from” Epistles

26th Precinct Station

A Clean Undecorated Hall

A Room with a View

All Hallows Eve

An Essay in Political Science

From the Dark Lady



Leonardo’s Dream

String Quintet in G Minor, K. 516

That Modern Malice

The Cartographers

The Death of a Parent

The Inheritance

The List

What the Wing Says


Windows on Women; Farming in Kentucky


Objective Subjectivities (on Willingly by Tess Gallagher; Raw Heaven by Molly Peacock; The Evolution of the Flightless Bird by Richard Kenney; The Sorrow of Architecture by Liam Rector; & A Wave by John Ashbery)

on An American Procession: The Major American Writers fom 1830 to 30—The Crucial Century by Alfred Kazin

on Hawthorne’s Secret: An Un-Told Tale by Philip Young

on Night Hurdling; Poems, Essays, Conversations, Commencements, and Afterwords by James Dickey

on Summer Celestial by Stanley Plumly

on The Collected Prose by Robert Giroux, Elizabeth Bishop

on The Crush by Gary Gildner

on The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property by Lewis Hyde

on The Lives and Legends of Jacques Lacan by Catherine Clément, Arthur Goldhammer

on Two-Bit Culture: The Paperbacking of America by Kenneth C. Davis

Responses to Austen (on Jane Austen and the Drama of Woman by Leroy W. Smith; Jane Austen and Mozart: Classical Equilibrium in Fiction and Music by Robert K. Wallace; & Jane Austen: New Perspectives Women and Literature, New Series, No. 3 by Janet Todd)

Revelations and Concealments: Interviewers and Writers (on Interviews with Contemporary Writers: Second Series, 1972-1982 by L. S. Dembo; Acts of Mind: Conversations with Contemporary Poets by Richard Jackson; & Women Writers Talking by Janet Todd)