Objective Subjectivities (on Willingly by Tess Gallagher; Raw Heaven by Molly Peacock; The Evolution of the Flightless Bird by Richard Kenney; The Sorrow of Architecture by Liam Rector; & A Wave by John Ashbery)
Responses to Austen (on Jane Austen and the Drama of Woman by Leroy W. Smith; Jane Austen and Mozart: Classical Equilibrium in Fiction and Music by Robert K. Wallace; & Jane Austen: New Perspectives Women and Literature, New Series, No. 3 by Janet Todd)
Revelations and Concealments: Interviewers and Writers (on Interviews with Contemporary Writers: Second Series, 1972-1982 by L. S. Dembo; Acts of Mind: Conversations with Contemporary Poets by Richard Jackson; & Women Writers Talking by Janet Todd)