Fall 1985



Fall 1985

Table of Contents

Special Feature

The Future of Liberal Arts: A Humanist’s View

The Future of Liberal Arts: Scientist’s View


American Theater Watch, 1984–1985


Samuel Johnson Among the Deconstructionists

Stasis, Story, and Anti-Story


A Teller’s Tale

Paper Products

Something Good for Ginnie


250 Bradford

Chinese Architecture & The Subject Is “You Understood”

Elegance & Transitive

Everyday Places

Groundwork; The Fashion Designer; & The Art of Starving

In the Old-Age Home Where He Says He’s Resting

Moon, Razor, Eye


Mother Eve

Old Man, Walking


Ruby Tells All

Saint’s Life

Skywriters & Zimmer Closes His Family Home



Critical Formalities (on The Formal Principle in the Novel by Austin M. Wright & Forms of Life: Character and Moral Imagination in the Novel by Martin Price)

Malcolm Cowley and the Rehumanization of Art (on The Early Career of Malcolm Cowley: A Humanist Among the Moderns by James Michael Kempf & The Flower and the Leaf: A Contemporary Record of American Writing Since 1941 by Malcolm Cowley and Donald W. Faulkner)

on New & Selected Essays by Howard Nemerov

on Revolution and Convention in Modern Poetry: Studies in Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, Wallace Stevens, Edwin Arlington Robinson and Yvor Winters by Donald E. Stanford

on Sermons and Homilies of the Christ of Elqui by Nicanor Parra and Sandra Reyes

on The Re-Creation of Landscape: A Study of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Constable, and Turner by James A. W. Heffernan

on The Trouble With America by Michel Crozier and Peter Heinegg

on The Writer and Human Rights by Toronto Arts Group for Human Rights

Tradition and the Innovative Godzilla (on Collected Poems: 1957-1982 by Wendell Berry; The Salt Stone: Selected Poems by John Woods; Selected Poems: 1950-1982 by Kenneth Koch; The Collected Poems Of Robert Creeley: 1945-1975; & New and Selected Poems: 1923-1985 by Robert Penn Warren)

Waking the Long Memory (on The Prophetic Poet and the Spirit of the Age (in three volumes). Volume One: Why Flannery O’Connor Stayed Home. Volume Two: Why Poe Drank Liquor. Volume Three: Why Hawthorne Was Melancholy by Marion Montgomery)