Fall 2002



Fall 2002

Table of Contents


Doctor Whisper



For Those of Us Who Need Such Things


Three Girls


—”fall among”. To come by chance into the company of; To move under the influence of gravity; especially, to drop without restraint; & —”fall back”. To give ground; recede; retreat

American Children & Leash

Aria for a Green Sky

Asceticism for Dummies & Eastern Box


Film Meditation I: Decalogue (No. 8) & Film Meditation II: Ponette

Fishing Drunk & Sweat

Icon; A Glass of Water; & Paradise

Nemerov’s “A Primer of the Daily Round” Held as a Mirror Up to Nature

Primer of Words

Richard Nixon’s 1972 Christmas Bombing Campaign as Gospel; Dosso Dossi’s Saint George as Controvertible; & domestic violence as Noh play

Sweetbread & Later That Day

The decade the country became known throughout the world

The Invention of Pointillism

The Wind

Two Strangers Enter Sodom & The Afterimage of a Ghost

Whitman Pinch-Hits, 1861


Selling 1/2 Japanese


“It Can Take Awhile Until You Sound Like Yourself”: A Review of Recent Poetry Chapbooks (on Hands-On Saints by Holly Iglesias; Cooking in Key West by Ed Ochester; The Genuine Negro Hero by Thomas Sayers Ellis; The Spirit of Blue Ink by Walter Pavlich; Freight by Sondra Upham; and Against Elegies by Jack Ridl)

A Gathering of Literary Tribes: “Small” Magazine Anthologies (on Best of Prairie Schooner: Fiction and Poetry, edited by Hilda Raz; Best of Prairie Schooner: Personal Essays, edited by Hilda Raz and Kate Flaherty; A Fine Excess: Fifty Years of The Beloit Poetry Journal, edited by Marion K. Stocking; The Body Electric: America’s Best Poetry from the American Poetry Review, edited by Stephen Berg, David Bonanno, and Arthur Vogelsang; and Three special issues of Poetry East [boxed set], edited by Richard Jones

American Theater Watch, 2001–2002

It’s a Long, Long Story (on Prize Stories 2001: The O.Henry Awards, edited by Larry Dark; Margot by Kevin Stewart; Not: A Trio by David Huddle; Beasts by Joyce Carol Oates; Rot by Janet Kauffman; Big as Life: Three Tales for Spring by Maureen Howard; and The Body Artist by Don DeLillo)

on In-Yer-Face Theatre: British Drama Today by Aleks Sierz

The Personal Essay and the Complicated Eye/I (on The Private I: Privacy in the Public World, edited by Molly Peacock; Bodies in Motion and at Rest: On Metaphor and Mortality by Thomas Lynch; Grave Goods: Essays of a Peculiar Nature by John P. O’Grady; and Many Circles: New and Selected Essays by Albert Goldbarth)

The Personal Essay in the World (on My Misspent Youth by Meghan Daum; Cold Snap as Yearning by Robert Vivian; and Halls of Fame by John D’Agata

What It All Means (on The Force of Spirit by Scott Russell Sanders; Shaped by Wind and Water: Reflections of a Naturalist by Ann Haymond Zwinger; and Writing the Sacred into the Real by Alison Hawthorne Deming)