Spring 1973



Spring 1973

Table of Contents


A Radical Historical Novelist of the ’80’s

A World Immeasurably Alive and Good: A Look at James Wright’s “Collected Poems”

Counterhumor: Comedy in Contemporary American Fiction

Growing Up in Georgia and Tennessee: The Letters of John E. Talmadge and William Wallace Davidson

The Mighty Monarch of the South: Yellow Fever in Charleston and Savannah


The Granddaughters


A Lady Poet

Analogy of Tai-Hsi

Elegies; A Short History of Transvestism; My Daughter Has an Accident Involving Frank Sinatra; Don’t Go in The Lion’s Cage Tonight; & Stragglers

Guidebook to Joyce

On Thanksgiving Eve & Dear Stanley

One Love Affair: A Sonnet

Statues & My Old German Grandmother

To Resign is Not at All as I Had Expected


on Dr. Bowdler’s Legacy by Noel Perrin

on From the Land and Back by Curtis K. Stadtfeld

on In Pursuit of Relevance by Herbert J. Muller

on Murder and Witchcraft in England, 1550-1640, as Recounted in Pamphlets, Ballads, Broadsides, and Plays by Joseph H. Marshburn; Witchcraft in the Middle Ages by Jeffrey Burton Russell; Witchcraft in Europe, 1100-1700: A Documentary History by Alan C. Kors, Edward Peters; & The Occult Sciences in the Renaissance: A Study in Intellectual Patterns by Wayne Shumaker

on Slave Life in Georgia by John Brown

on The Literary Notebooks of Winfield Townley Scott, “a dirty hand” by Merle Armitage; & Poet in America: Winfield Townley Scott by Scott Donaldson

on The Roots of Southern Writing: Essays on the Literature of the American South by C. Hugh Holman; The Writer in the South: Studies in a Literary Community by Louis D. Rubin, Jr.; & Death by Melancholy: Essays on Modern Southern Fiction by Walter Sullivan

on The White Stallion by Guy Owen; A Question of Survival by Richard Moore; The World Between the Eyes by Fred Chappell; The Night Unstones by George Ellenbogen; Midnight Was My Cry: New and Selected Poems by Carolyn Kizer; & Christmas in Las Vegas by Robert Watson

on Young Philip Sidney, 1572-1577 by James M. Osborn