Spring 1980



Spring 1980

Table of Contents


Infidelity and Fiction: The Discovery of Women’s Subjectivity in “Arabian Nights”

Jabbing the Sore Spot: “Alienism” and Its Cultural Role

Midwestern Writers and the Myth of the Search

Remembering Allen Tate

Science and Romanticism

The Two Stages of an Artist’s Life

Translation and Creation in the Film: Truffauft’s “The Wild Child”


Forby and the Mayan Maidens

The Bird Watcher

The Idiocy of Rural Life


“Chew Mail Pouch”

Ballad of Your Puzzlement

Because We Are Not Taken Seriously



In Random Fields of Impulse and Repose

In Scorching Time


Landscape of Domestic Life

Lying Out in the Rain

The Harbor

The Labor Camp

This Day After Yesterday

Wheel in the Sky

Widow Under a New Moon


Illustrations for The Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde


An End to Criticism? (on The Republic Of Letters: A History of Postwar American Literary Opinion by Grant Webster)

And To Make a Long Story Short (on The Best American Short Stories 1978 by Ted Solotaroff; The Women in the Mirror by Pat Carr; Lambing Out and Other Stories by Mary Clearman; Things About to Disappear by Allen Wier; & Who Wrote the Book of Love? by Thomas Färber)

on Cannibals and Missionaries by Mary McCarthy

on The Homosexual Tradition in American Poetry by Robert K. Martin

on Uncollected Stories of William Faulkner by Joseph Blotner

on Waste. Book I The Town Scold; Book II: Transparencies; & Book III: Deas’s Good Company by Judith Johnson Sherwin, Margaret Lampe

Scrawny Cries, Barbaric Yawps (on The American Quest for a Supreme Fiction: Whitman’s Legacy in the Personal Epic by James E. Miller Jr.; & Emerson and the Orphic Poet in America by R. A. Yoder)

The Intellectual as Southerner or the Southerner as Intellectual? (on The Idea of the American South, 1920-1941 by Michael O’Brien; & Such As Us: Southern Voices of the Thirties by Tom E. Terrill, Jerrold Hirsch)

The Sincere, the Mythic, the Playful: Forms of Voice in Current Poetry (on 7 Years From Somewhere by Philip Levine; Ashes: Poems New and Old by Philip Levine; Long Island Light: Poems & A Memoir by William Heyen; Goshawk, Antelope by Dave Smith; & The City of the Olesha Fruit by Norman Dubie)