And To Make a Long Story Short (on The Best American Short Stories 1978 by Ted Solotaroff; The Women in the Mirror by Pat Carr; Lambing Out and Other Stories by Mary Clearman; Things About to Disappear by Allen Wier; & Who Wrote the Book of Love? by Thomas Färber)
Scrawny Cries, Barbaric Yawps (on The American Quest for a Supreme Fiction: Whitman’s Legacy in the Personal Epic by James E. Miller Jr.; & Emerson and the Orphic Poet in America by R. A. Yoder)
The Intellectual as Southerner or the Southerner as Intellectual? (on The Idea of the American South, 1920-1941 by Michael O’Brien; & Such As Us: Southern Voices of the Thirties by Tom E. Terrill, Jerrold Hirsch)
The Sincere, the Mythic, the Playful: Forms of Voice in Current Poetry (on 7 Years From Somewhere by Philip Levine; Ashes: Poems New and Old by Philip Levine; Long Island Light: Poems & A Memoir by William Heyen; Goshawk, Antelope by Dave Smith; & The City of the Olesha Fruit by Norman Dubie)