An “Eye” for an “I”: American Romantic Painting of the Nineteenth Century (on “A Man of Genius”: The Art of Washington Allston, 1779-1843 by William H. Gerdts, Theodore E. Stebbins, Jr.; & American Light: The Luminist Movement, 1850-1875; Paintings, Drawings, Photo Graphs by John Wilmerding)
Purity and Impurity in Poetry (on Caviare at the Funeral by Louis Simpson; White Center by Richard Hugo; The Right Madness on Skye by Richard Hugo; & Descending Figure by Louise Glück)
The Survival of Black Literature and Its Criticism (on The Journey Back: Issues in Black Literature and Criticism by Houston A. Baker, Jr.; The Second Black Renaissance: Essays in Black Literature by C. W. E. Bigsby; Chant of Saints: A Gathering of Afro-American Literature, Art, and Scholarship by Michael S. Harper, Robert B. Stepto; & From Behind the Veil: A Study of Afro-American Narrative by Robert B. Stepto)
The Woolfs and Other Lions (on Bloomsbury: A House of Lions by Leon Edel; Woman of Letters: A Life of Virginia Woolf by Phyllis Rose; Virginia Woolf by Michael Rosenthal;& The Wise Virgins by Leonard Woolf, Ian Parsons)
What Price Hollywood? (on The Inquisition In Hollywood: Politics in the Film Community, 1930-1960 by Larry Ceplair, Steven Englund; & Hollywood Goes to War: Films and American Society, 1939-52 by Colin Shindler)