Is It My Turn to Tell One Yet? (on Stunts by Carole Simmons Oles; Antonio & Clara by David Giannini; Drawing Water by F. Bjórnson Stock; Memories of Light by Robin Greene; & Tornadoes by Robert Hedin)
Re-creating Thoreau for Boutique and Backpack (on The Winged Life: The Poetic Voice of Henry David Thoreau by Robert Bly; A Yearning toward Wildness: Environmental Quotations from the Writings of Henry David Thoreau by Tim Homan; & Henry David Thoreau: An American Landscape by Robert L. Rothwell)
The Woods Around It (on Wildwood Flower by Kathryn Stripling Byer; New and Selected Poems by Mary Oliver; The Rain that Falls this Far by Dennis Hinrichsen; As If by James Richardson; & The Wild Iris by Louise Glück)