Spring 2005



Spring 2005

Table of Contents

Special Feature

Praise the Winters Gone: Introduction to a Selection of Ten Letters by James Wright

Ten Letters


A Day in May: Los Angeles, 1960


Watching the Evening Begin in Fano


Home Videos

John Cheever, Rest in Peace



Ash Wednesday & My Father Says Grace

Dream Feuds: Carriacou

Fines Doubled in Work Zone

Naming the Clouds

Peach Picking


Silent Movie

The Cabinet

The Kiss

The Napkin


You Miss It


Outrageous Beauty


Mirrors: American Poetry Pure and Impure (on The Resistance to Poetry by James Longenbach; Coin of the Realm: Essays on the Life and Art of Poetry by Carl Phillips; and American Scream: Allen Ginsberg’s Howl and the Making of the Beat Generation by Jonah Raskin)

on Assembling My Father: A Daughter’s Detective Story by Anna Cypra Oliver

on Trapeze by Deborah Digges

The Properties of Rain (on Accused of Wisdom by Linda Allardt; The Actual Moon, The Actual Stars by Chris Forhan; Generations by Pattiann Rogers; Delights and Shadows by Ted Kooser; The Perishing by Sherod Santos; and The Rest of Love by Carl Phillips)

The Ties That Bind (on Natasha and Other Stories by David Bezmozgis; In the River Province by Lisa Sandlin; Little Edens by Barbara Klein Moss; Sea Dogs by John Bensko; and Little Black Book of Stories by A. S. Byatt)


“No Giants”: An Interview with Thom Gunn