A Bright, Discerning Light (on Occasions of Sin: A Memoir by Sandra Scofield; Scraping By in the Big Eighties by Natalia Rachel Singer; Grace Notes: The Waking of a Woman’s Voice by Heidi Hart; Wyoming Trucks, True Love, and the Weather Channel: A Woman’s Adventure by Jeffe Kennedy; and Just Beneath My Skin: Autobiography and Self-Discovery by Patricia Foster)
Form and Range (on Fourteen on Form: Conversations with Poets by William Baer and Range of the Possible: Conversations with Contemporary Poets by Tod Marshall)
Grouching toward Bethlehem: A Look at First Books (on The Book of Funnels by Christian Hawkey; The Chronic Liar Buys a Canary by Elizabeth Edwards; The Keepsake Storm by Gina Franco; Sea of Faith by John Brehm; Beautiful Trouble by Amy Fleury; and In the Ghost-House Acquainted by Kevin Goodan)
On the Edge (on The Train to Lo Wu by Jess Row; The Apple’s Bruise by Lisa Glatt; People I Wanted to Be by Gina Ochsner; We’re in Trouble by Christopher Coake; and Other Electricities by Ander Monson)