Spring 2024



Spring 2024

Table of Contents

To Our Readers

To Our Readers


From The Year of the Radio, translated from the Arabic by Addie Leak

A Man without a Burial

One of You Will Betray Me

Points of Light

The Things That Bury Us


Contingency; Our love; & Immunity

Crip time-loop pantoum; Murmuring in the dark; & If God is a virus

Curriculum Vitae & Sagittarius A*

Day 244 / 2 in the afternoon

Elegy: Lady of the Lake, I–II

Goshen, New York & Upon a House Shaken

he Death of Germanicus and the Early Message of Its Approach; Agrippina after Her Mother Tells Her Emperor Tiberius Is Giving Her Over to Marriage Though Not a Young Bride; Future Emperor Nero Assumes the Toga Virilis His Role as Adult; & The Great Fire of Rome


I Had an Uncle Who Crushed by War; Unspeakable in Spring; & A Burnt Something or Other

Julia the Elder, in Exile

My Mother’s Ars Poetica as the Saint of Music & My Mother as St. Anastasia Describing Widowhood

On Trying; After a Night of Terrible Sleep; Postpartum; & Hitachi Magic Wand

Park Near a Train Station, HK, China & Lines for the Last Time

Received Form & La Dame Bleue

The Figurehead; Games with Time; Intermezzo; & Autumnal, translated from the Italian by Vincent Frontero


Comic Feature

From Jupiter Invincible (story by Yusef Komunyakaa, art by Ashley A. Woods, augmented reality by Ram Devineni)