Summer 1974



Summer 1974

Table of Contents


Breaking a Path for the Liberation of Women in the South

Hopkins, the Humanities, and the Environmen

John Barth’s Tenuous Affirmation: “The Absurd, Unending Possibility of Love”

Lord Russell and Madame Sesostris

Marion Montgomery’s “Fugitive”

The Rise and Fall of James Wright

The Short Stories of Joyce Carol Oates

The Southern Element in Poe’s Fiction

The Works and Days of Karl Stern

Thurber’s Walter Mitty — The Underground American Hero


Paths Unto the Dead


A New Song from an Old Climate; Letting Go; With a Liverful; & Spring Night


For John, Not Marrying

For My Contemporaries

On Hearing a Lady Poet Preoccupied with Angels Read in April

September Spring in Zambia & Oranges

Susanna and the Old Boys

The Swimmer & Always in a Soft Voice

The Virgin of the Rocks

The Well; Jonah; The Earl of Arundel; & Don Juan in Winter


on Corvo Saint or Madman? by Donald Weeks

on D. H. Lawrence, The Man and His Work: The Formative Years, 1885-1919 by Emile Delavenay

on Poetry and Crisis in the Age of Chaucer by Charles Muscatine; & Chaucer and The English Tradition by Ian Robinson

on Principles of Architectural History: The Four Phases of Architectural Style, 1420-1900 by Paul Frankl, James F. O’Gorman, James S. Ackerman

on Proteus: His Lies, His Truth by Robert M. Adams; &The Astonishment of Words by Victor Proetz

on Puritanism in Tudor England by H. C. Porter

on Selected Prose, 1909-1965 by Ezra Pound, William Cookson; New Approaches to Ezra Pound by Eva Hesse; & A ZBC of Ezra Pound by Christine Brooke-Rose

on Some Versions of the Fall: The Myth of the Fall of Man in English Literature by Eric Smith

on Surrealism and Spain, 1920-1936 by C. B. Morris

on Temporary Kings by Anthony Powell

on The Classic British Novel by Howard M. Harper, Jr., Charles Edge; & The English Novel in the Nineteenth Century: Essays on the Literary Mediation of Human Values by George Goodin

on The Classical Style: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven by Charles Rosen

on The Exposure of Luxury: Radical Themes in Thackeray by Barbara Hardy; & Thackeray: The Major Novels by Juliet McMaster

on The Sociology of Literature by Diana T. Laurenson, Alan Swingewood

on The Stream of Consciousness and Beyond in Ulysses by Erwin R. Steinberg