Summer 1981



Summer 1981

Table of Contents


“Waldo Emerson”: Preface to a Biography

American Autobiography: The Western Tradition

Another Biography? For God’s Sake, Why?

Memory, Desire, and the Need for Biography: The Case of Emily Dickinson

Roland Barthes, Autobiography, and the End of Writing

Voices from the Veil: Black American Autobiography


Lovely Things That Should Not Pass Away

Parker “Lacrimans”


A Short History of Barbed Wire

April Fool



Lives in One Lifetime

Of Butterflies

On Your Astonishment


Song Beginning in Summer

Songs and Sonnets


The Art of the Circle

The Gardens

The Name of God Is Simple

To Welcome Us Back

Trying to Separate

What the Trees Suffer



Before the Waters Come: Photographs


Walter Lippmann and the American Century by Ronald Steel

Autobiography: Act or Artifact?(on Autobiography: Essays Theoretical and Critical by James Olney;The Art of Life: Studies in American Autobiographical Literature by Mutlu Konuk Blasing; American Autobiography: The Prophetic Mode by G. Thomas Couser; The Forms of Autobiography: Episodes in the History of a Literary Genre by William C. Spengemann;& Autobiographical Acts: The Changing Situation of a Literary Genre by Elizabeth Bruss)

on Henry Adams by R. P. Blackmur, Veronica A. Makowsky

on Introducing David Jones by John Matthias

on Letters to Christopher: Stephen Spender’s Letters to Christopher Isherwood, 1929-1939 by Lee Bartlett

on The Art of Maurice Sendak by Selma G. Lanes

on Unsettling Europe by Jane Kramer

Walter Abish and the Surfaces of Life (on How German Is It by Walter Abish)