Breaking the Family Rhythms (on We Are Not in This Together by William Kittredge; The Invention of Flight by Susan Neville; Fetching the Dead by Scott R. Sanders; & Wind and Birds and Human Voices by Ellen Wilbur)
Contemporary American Poetry: Does the Material World Exist? (on The Lamplit Answer by Gjertrud Schnackenberg; The Late Wisconsin Spring by John Koethe; Each Leaf Shines Separate by Rosanna Warren; Fugitive Angels by Jeanne Murray Walker; & For the New Year by Eric Pankey)
Poetry Chapbooks: Things Invisible to See (on Engraved on Air by Millard Dunn; January Fire by Corrinne Hales; White Lies by Lane Jennings; Digging for Shark Teeth by Rick Lott; An American Peace by Peter Oresick; Woman in White by Toney Teague; The Glow by Robert Wrigley; & The American Zimmer by Paul Zimmer)