Summer 1987


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Summer 1987

Table of Contents


Actual Field Conditions

Ape Dreams

Beacons Burning Down

Flip Cards

From Outside, In

Invisible Shadows: Self-Reliance and Authority

Meeting Miss Porter

Semicentennial Retrospections: The Past as Perspective



Once Upon a Time

The Land of the Dead


“Against the Night”

A Ripple of Deer, A Metamorphosis of Bear, A Metaphor of Mountains

Aesthetics Late in the Century

And the River Gathered Around Us

At Shannon’s Creek, Early August




Groaning Boards


The Age of Great Vocations

The Kisser and Teller


Ethical, Rational, Political, Poetical: What the Essay Is Doing Now (on Natural Classicism: Essays on Literature and Science by Frederick Turner; Skeptical Engagements by Frederick Crews; & Less Than One: Selected Essays by Joseph Brodsky)

on Love Is The Crooked Thing by Lee K. Abbott

on Mishima: A Vision of the Void by Marguerite Yourcenar and Alberto Manguel

on Walker Percy: A Southern Wayfarer by William Rodney Allen

on With Ears Opening Like Morning Glories: Eudora Welty and the Love of Story Telling by Carol S. Manning

Realism, Death, and Philosophy (on Talking to Strangers by Patricia Dobler; Day of The Body by Carol Frost; Skating with Heather Grace by Thomas Lynch; The Language Student by Bin Ramke; As Long As You’re Happy by Jack Myers)

Short Fiction in the Eighties (on Under the Wheat by Rick DeMarinis; The Lover of Horses by Tess Gallagher; Going to See the Leaves by Linda Collins; Tigers in the Wood by Rebecca Kavaler; & Dancing in the Movies by Robert Boswell)

The Dialogic Self (on The Formal Method in Literary Scholarship by M. M. Bakhtin, P. M. Medvedev, Albert Wehrle, and Wlad Godzich; Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics. Theory and History of Literature Series #8 by M. M. Bakhtin, P. M. Medvedev, and Caryl Emerson; Mikhail Bakhtin: The Dialogic Principle. Theory and History of Literature Series #13 by Tzvetan Todorov and Wlad Godzich; Mikhail Bakhtin by Katerina Clark and Michael Holquist; The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays By Mikhail Bakhtin by Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist; & Rabelais and His World by Mikhail Bakhtin and Helene Iswolsky)

Three Classic Novels from Spain (on Fortunata and Jacinta by Benito Pérez Galdós and Agnes Money Gullón; Torquemada by Benito Pérez Galdós and Frances M. López-morillas; La Regenta by Leopoldo Alas and John Rutherford)