Summer 1988



Summer 1988

Table of Contents


Guns and Boyhood in America

How to Draw

Monumental Kitsch: Borglum’s Mt. Rushmore

Parade March from “That Creaturely World”

The Fabulous Presumption of Disney World: Magic Kingdom in the Wilderness

The Movies as Monster: Seeing in “King Kong”

What Is Literature Good For?


Ned Jumper



Family Tree


Matisse’s Tablecloth


Ode on the Unsung; Goose’s Jack: Over the Hill?; Last I Remember: 1973; & Manichean Middle Game

The Candyman

The Feel of Things

The Future

The Great Piece of Turf & Horse and Tree

The Presence of the Lute

There Is Constant Movement in My Head


Literary History in an Indeterminate Age (on Columbia Literary History of the United States by Emory Elliott)

Mystery and Mannerisms (on In the Music Library by Ellen Hunnicutt; Man’s Work by John Connelly; Acts of Love by James McKinley; & Emperor of the Air by Ethan Canin)

on In Hawthorne’s Shadow: American Romance from Melville to Mailer by Samuel Chase Coale

on Joyce’s Anatomy of Culture by Cheryl Herr

on Magic Shows by David Graham

on St. John de Crèvecoeur: The Life of an American Farmer by Gay Wilson Allen and Roger Asselineau

on The Paradise of Bombs by Scott Russell Sanders

on Under Cover of Daylight by James W. Hall

Speaking Passions (on An Oregon Message by William Stafford; To the Quick by Heather McHugh; Shades by Heather McHugh; The Imperfect Paradise by Linda Pastan; To the Place of Trumpets by Brigit Pegeen Kelly; & Rose by Li-Young Lee)