“After Such Knowledge, What Forgiveness?”: The Rise of Ethical Criticism (on The Company We Keep: An Ethics Of Fiction by Wayne C. Booth; The Vocation of a Teacher: Rhetorical Occasions, 1967-1988 by Wayne C. Booth; The Ethics of Criticism by Tobin Siebers; Find You the Virtue: Ethics, Image, and Desire in Literature by Irving Massey; & The Call of Stories: Teaching and the Moral Imagination by Robert Coles)
on Framework: A History of Screen-writing in the American Film by Tom Stempel
on Nurture by Maxine Kumin
on Sonahchi: A Collection of Myth-Tales by Pat Carr
on The Magic Lantern by Ingmar Bergman and Joan Tate
Purple Patches, Fuddle, and the Hard Noon Light (on The West Door by Alfred Corn; Fictions from the Self by Michael Burkard; Annonciade by Elizabeth Spires; Shores and Headlands by Emily Grosholz; The Way Down by John Burt; & Stopping by Home by David Huddle)
Wonderful Geographies (on By Land, by Sea by William Hoffman; Love Life by Bobbie Ann Mason; Appalachian Patterns by Bo Ball; Moustapha’s Eclipse by Reginald Mcknight; & The All-Girl Football Team by Lewis Nordan)