In Place (on The Springs of Affection: Stories of Dublin by Maeve Brennan; Under The Red Flag by Ha Jin; She Loved Me Once and Other Stories by Lester Goran; and Quake by Nance Van Winckel)
Literary Biographers: Looking over Their Shoulders (on William Wordsworth: A Poetic Life by John L. Mahoney; Byron: The Flawed Angel by Phyllis Grosskurth; and W. B. Yeats: A Life, Volume I: The Apprentice Mage, 1865-1914 by R. F. Foster)
Simplicities (on From Darkening Porches by Jo McDougall; Journey Fruit: Poems and a Memoir by Kinereth Gensler; What the Living Do by Marie Howe; The Yellow Transparents by Joan Aleshire; and Sky and Island Light by Brendan Galvin)
Walking the Two Landscapes (on Fear Falls Away and Other Essays from Hard and Rocky Places by Janice Emily Bowers; A Wild, Rank Place: One Year on Cape Cod by David Gessner; and Boundary Waters: The Grace of the Wild by Paul Gruchow)