Special Feature
His Town; The Overt; The Reverse Side; Rubbing; Losing Steps; Returning from an Artist’s Studio; Phantom; At the Restaurant; Art; Zero Hour; The Party; & Sixty
Remembering Stanley W Lindberg: A Festschrift
Lee K. Abbott, Frederick Busch, Kathryn Stripling Byer, Fred Chappell, Stephen Corey, Stephen Dunn, Gary Gildner, Albert Goldbarth, Lola Haskins, Mary Hood, James Kilgo, Judith Kitchen, Sydney Lea, Susan Ludvigson, Cleopatra Mathis, Linda Pastan, Sanford Pinsker, Marjorie Sandor, Nat Sobel, Gerald Welles, Robley Wilson, & Paul Zimmer Remembering Stanley W. Lindberg: A Festschrift
Getting Beyond Elegy: Nature, Culture, and Art
The Last Place Where Birds Live
The Pastor’s Wife Advises Economy
“Bursting Under the Window, Inconsolable”: Five Recent Chapbooks (on 3 Marbles by Judith Kerman; Kissing the Bees by John Sokol; Surge by Matthew Cooperman; Bukowski Boulevard by Joan Jobe Smith; and The Last Campaign by Rachel Loden)
Brute Force: Violent Stories (on What Salmon Know by Elwood Reid; How Animals Mate by Daniel Mueller; The Wonders of the Invisible World by David Gates; Poachers: Stories by Tom Franklin; and Close Range: Wyoming Stories by Annie Proulx)
The Subjective Correlative (on A Saturday Night at the Flying Dog and Other Poems by Marcia Southwick; Then, Suddenly by Lynn Emanuel; In the Surgical Theatre by Dana Levin; Swarm by Jorie Graham; and Lifelines: Selected Poems, 1950-1999 by Philip Booth)