Summer 2015



Summer 2015

Table of Contents



Obliquity: On the Faces of Earth


Golden Gloves

Stamp Fever

The Goat Fish and the Lover’s Knot

The Pool

White Bird

Who Will Open the Door?


“Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning”


Cloud Study

Failure of Imagination in the Gothic Quarter & Feeling Sorry for Myself after an Ex-Girlfriend Returned All of My Old Love Letters in 2015

I Want a Big Corny Wink & The Perfect Pitch

Of Mischief and the Moon


Wabi Sabi

Young Gloria Swanson as the Lion’s Bride


Faithful Are the Wounds (on Zachary Leader’s The Life of Saul Bellow: To Fame and Fortune, 1915–1964)

Just Who Is This Oscar Wilde Person, Anyway? (on David M. Friedman’s Wilde in America: Oscar Wilde and the Invention of Modern Celebrity; Roy Morris Jr.’s Declaring His Genius: Oscar Wilde in North America; & Antony Edmonds’ Oscar Wilde’s Scandalous Summer: The 1894 Worthing Holiday and the Aftermath)

on Man in Profile: Joseph Mitchell of The New Yorker by Thomas Kunkel

on Now We Will Be Happy by Amina Gautier

on The Wilds by Julia Elliott

on Unaccompanied Minors by Alden Jones

To Make It New (on Barbara Hamby’s On the Street of Divine Love: New and Selected Poems; Charlie Smith’s Jump Soul: New and Selected Poems; & B. H. Fairchild’s The Blue Buick: New and Selected Poems)