Summer 2021



Summer 2021

Table of Contents

To Our Readers

To Our readers


A Silk Purse from a Sow’s Ear; Noxema; Ode to the Lost Tissue; & Youth Praise Team Rehearsal, 2001

An Essay on War & The Death of Socrates

Beginner’s Astrology for Anarchist Jurisdictions in a Pandemic; 17 Days (Piano & a Microphone 1983); Sisyphus Says Relax; Nine Twenty-Nine Twenty-Twenty; & My Face in a Jar by the Door

Chronicles on Disappearance; It Is Sad to See a Horse Sleeping; Phantom Limb; & Displaced Distance as a Red Berry

De-installation ceremony, Whitherton, North Carolina, May 18, 2019; “This,” he said, “is history, our history,”; As everyone raised here knows,; He had, he said, already lost his country.; & We let him touch

Exile’s Return, translated from the Russian by Boris Dralyuk

Hysterical Ballads

Our Felix Randal; Today I Can Write; A Man of Rueful Countenance; & “Colloquy with a Polish Aunt”

Poem for the Animals on the Carousel at Tilden Park; Final Approach; & Rose and Thorn

Self-Portrait as My Mother; Mending of Shoes; Road Trip; Chicago :: Re-entry Ritual; & Korea :: Things to Review Before Landing

Stravinsky at the Farmers Market & Venice Beach: A Diptych

Thrall; Jacket; & For Tim Whom None Can Find

When a bolt of lightning falls in love & Gargoyle