Summer 2022



Summer 2022

Table of Contents

To Our Readers

To Our Readers

Misplacement: A Symposium


Misplacement, or Lost and Found Objects

Opening Remarks


What We Bring Home: Little Petra


Places, Please

Storytelling for Survival


Art Circle


Laxmi Lending Library and Paper Shop

Portonaccio Sarcophagus

The Interview

To Sleep before Evening (from This Short Day of Frost and Sun)


from Unicode Hex

An die Nachgeborenen [To Those Born after Us], translated from the German by Lisa Harries Schumann

Chinatown Burning (with an afterword by the author)

Come, child; Transcribing the Letters of William Alexander Bustamante; Searching for Home; A poem is a power; & Poem ascending (with an annotation by Jeffrey Yang)

I Kept Thinking Back

Mob Scene: Belfast 1969; A Lyre for Lyra; & What Place Was I Last Night

Mullein & This Morning

Neurasthenia & What Is Small Will Not Be Small Forever

Portrait with Unknown Dimensions

Serotonin—The Thirtieth Week of the Year of the Earth Pig; Dopamine; & Year of the Dogs, Year of a Synapse


Tonight, I haven’t even said the word pipeline & Spring