Winter 1970



Winter 1970

Table of Contents


Ghost and Fever

Retreat of the Avant-Garde

Shakespearean Rhetoric and Realism

Southern Letters and the New Criticism

The Non-Regionalism of Peter Taylor: AN ESSAY-REVIEW

The Southern Writer and the Great Literary Secession

Up Top Amongst None: Life in the Georgia Appalachians: Part Four


Eliza McCardle

Five Poems



on Chaucer and the Country of the Stars: Poetical Uses of Astrological Imagery by Chauncey Wood

on Let Not Your Hart by James Seay

on Machina ex Deo: Essays in the Dynamism of Western Culture by Lynn White, Jr.

on New Reformation: Notes of a Neolithic Conservative by Paul Goodman

on Old Greasybeard: Tales from the Cumberland Gap by Leonard Roberts

on The Art of the American Folk Preacher by Bruce A. Rosenberg

on To Lose a Battle: France 1940 by Alistair Horne

on Vision Fugitive: Ezra Pound and Economics by Earle Davis