Winter 1971



Winter 1971

Table of Contents


“Prophetic Sounds and Loud”: Allen, Stovall, Mabbott, and Other Recent Work on Poe

“Steppenwolf” as a Bible

Emerson, Hawthorne, and “The Blithedale Romance”

Freedom: An Existential Illusion

Richard Wright’s Fiction: A Reassessment

The Aesthetics of the Folk Sermon


The Habits of Guineas


Crabapple Harvest

Orchestration & The Townfolk Frown

The Formula for Happiness

Views of an American Writer


on Death of the Fox by George Garrett

on Dionysus and the City: Modernism in Twentieth Century Poetry by Monroe K. Spears

on Fiction into Film by Rachel Maddux, Stirling Silliphant, Neil D. Isaacs

on Life Under the “Peculiar Institution”: Selections from the Slave Narrative Collection by Norman R. Yetman

on The Daemonic in the Poetry of John Keats by Charles I. Patterson, Jr.

on The Lonesome Game by Winston Weathers

on The Time of William Faulkner: A French View of Modern American Fiction by Maurice Edgar Coindreau, George McMillan Reeves, Michel Gresset