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Winter 1974
Table of Contents
A Friendship of Poets: The Statesman and the Soldier
In Praise of Alienation: The Bible and Western Culture
The Symbol of the Archaic
A Letter, 1885 & Eleanor Roosevelt Writes from European Tour, 1918
Hazard’s Valentine & Crossing Over
Marchenbilder & As One Put Drunk into the Packet-Boat
The Bride’s First Morning Song
The Witch’s Life; Locked Doors; & Snow
To Maia & The Middle of the Garden
on Marxism and Art: Writings in Aesthetics and Criticism by Berel Lang, Forrest Williams
on Palladio and Palladianism by Rudolf Wittkower; &Inigo Jones: The Theatre of the Stuart Court by Stephen Orgel, Roy Strong
on The Inverted Bell by Joseph N. Riddel
on The Snare by Elizabeth Spencer