American Indian Legacy (on Native American Renaissance by Kenneth Lincoln; Reading the Fire: Essays in the Traditional Indian Literatures of the Far West by Jarold Ramsey; & Smoothing the Ground: Essays on Native American Oral Literature by Brian Swann)
Poetry Chapbooks: Many Are Called (on Baker’s Dozen by Jim Aubert; The Way into Town by Roy Bentley; Along This Water by William Heyen; In New York City Air by James Humphrey; Kamikaze Polar Bear Sinks Nuclear Submarine by Roger Lell; Tarantulas on the Lifebuoy by Thomas Lux; Thinner You Grow by Richard Lyons; Philippe at His Bath by Constance Pierce; The Angel Poems by Liz Rosenberg; Finding the Path by R. T. Smith; & The Royal Nonesuch by Leon Stokesbury)
Scribbling Women (on Private Woman, Public Stage: Literary Domesticity in Nineteenth-Century America by Mary Kelley; & Insatiable Appetites: Twentieth-Century American Women’s Bestsellers by Madonne M. Miner)
Wisdom and Being in Contemporary American Poetry (on Laps by Michael Blumenthal; A Happy Childhood by William Matthews; Black Dog, Red Dog by Stephen Dobyns; Jacklight by Louise Erdrich; Days We Would Rather Know by Michael Blumenthal; & Rules of Sleep by Howard Moss)