Winter 1988



Winter 1988

Table of Contents


Comedy and Cultural Timing: The Lessons of Robert Benchley and Woody Allen

Somewhere in the Eighties

Technically Sweet

The Disappearance of Man


Reading Sign

The Classicist

The Dark Snake




Camille on Her Death Bed

Envy and the Violin

Kid Gloves

Marching Music & The Betrothal


Poem in Death Valley

Questions About Angels

The Birds of Hoboken

The Invisible Hand

Where the Body Ends

Wild Apple Trees


Isn’t It Gothic? (on Spirit Seizures by Melissa Pritchard; Ghostly Populations by Jack Matthews; Mourner at the Door by Gordon Lish; The Assignation by Joyce Carol Oates; & Blood and Water and Other Tales by Patrick McGrath)

Mapping Freud’s Half-Hidden City (on Freud: A Life for Our Time by Peter Gay)

on Half Savage and Hardy and Free: Women and Rural Radicalism in the Nineteenth-century Novel by Judith Weissman

on Jane Austen: Her Life by Park Honan

on Praises & Dispraises: Poetry And Politics, The 20th Century by Terrence Des Pres

on Spiritual Quests: The Art and Craft of Religious Writing by William Zinsser

on The Afro-American Novel and Its Tradition by Bernard W. Bell

on William Carlos Williams, The Arts, and Literary Tradition by Peter Schmidt

on Works and Lives: The Anthropologist as Author by Clifford Geertz

The Elegies of Style (on April Galleons by John Ashbery; Tango by Daniel Halpern; & The Selected Poems of Tomaz Salamun by Tomaz Salamun, Robert Hass, and Charles Simic)