Winter 2014



Winter 2014

Table of Contents


“Living Toward That Voice”: James Wright Transfixing and Transfixed

from The Long Run: A Creative Inquiry

A Kind of Centering

A Young Communist in Love: Philip Rahv, Partisan Review, and My Mother

After Yitzl

Ashes, Ashes

Auto-Duet: Essays on Competence and Acoustics

Babi la Belle

Carson McCullers and the South

Dazzle, Mimic, Blend

Deliverance from What

Gone with the Wind as Bildungsroman or Why Did Rhett Butler Really Leave Scarlett O’Hara?

Harm’s Way

London & a Friend

Mark Twain: At Home in the Gilded Age

Myths and the Man: James Edward Oglethorpe

No nEed tO ask.

On Loose Thread

Stories That Fit My Hands

The Coronation of Realism

The Grand Captain of Clausewitz and The Marxist Professional Revolutionary

The One I Get and Other Artifacts

Transcendental Conservatism and “The House of the Seven Gables”


At Any Given Time

Being Stevie

Bodies At Sea


Don’t Worry About the Kids


Hammer & File


New Grammar

No Shade Ever

One Time

Parades Gone By

Piano Lessons

Retrograde Mountain Time

Rock and Roll: Triptych


The All and Nothing It Had Come To

The Dangerous Lay of the Land

The Front Porch

The Glowing Girls

The Thirteen Wonders of Tammy

Voices of the Heroic Spirits, part II, translated from the Japanese by Paul McCarthy


A Cornflower Paloma

Abridged Taxonomy of Light

All My Life; Little Secular Symmetry Song; Proximity Song; The Neutron Bomb; & Babies Bigger Than Thought

All the Little Clocks Wind Down; She Kept All These Things and Pondered Them in Her Heart; Incantation; & The Morning Will Be Bright, and Wrong

An Ordinary Evening in Bowling Green; Growing Wild; Certain Dreams; & Getting Together

And I Thought of Glass Flowers

Apology to a Poll-Taker; April Again; & Housewifery

Apostrophe to S

Ars Poetica with Heron and Dance


Burning the Old Store

Children’s Fall


Coleridge Near Porlock


Desert Storm & Bear Man Martin Spills the Beans

Disproportionate & A Partial List of Unacknowledged Musics (Feel Free to Add Your Own)

Dream Dreams




Gavial: an extinction; Margay: an extinction; & Kuhl’s Deer: an extinction

Here is a world for you; 死的 / Dead; & 不灰 / Not Ash


I found a bottle at the bottom of the ocean

I Want Back Everything I’ve Laid on the Altar & When Lightning Split the Plum Tree

In the Chapter “Rodin in Love”

In the Stark Lands

Inbetween Deaths

Interior Domestic, Leningrad, 1988; To Brodsky; & Dyke March, San Francisco

Invisible Star Maps


Love in the Time of PrEP


Making the most of the least I can do

Morning Shore; Baker Man; & The Birds

Not Catharsis but a Mirror

On the Night My Hands Get Fed

Once Upon a Time

Paul’s Wholesale Florist

Pre-Latter-Day Love Poem

Prismatic Spring

Reading a Poetry Magazine on the Train

Rilke Grieves for His Friend, Paula Modersohn & Natasha and Pierre


The Border Guard

The Cartographer Gets Lost; Self-Portrait as Alone with Thoughts; & Pisces

The Congregating of Stars & Particular Falls

The Hobo’s Invitation

The Major Holidays

The Night Street

The Unwritten Laws of Gravitational Isolation in Warren, Michigan

Two Stories

Vandall’s Song & Federal Pen

We Are All Casualties of Our Absence; The Great Plains; & When I Feel Most Nigerian

What We Know Is Not What We Feel

Young of the Year


A Personal Map of the Past (on Edward McPherson’s The History of the Future: American Essays)

Against the Grain: Interviews with Maverick American Publishers by Robert Dana

Auden in the 21st Century (on The Complete Works of W. H. Auden: Poems, Volume I: 1927–1939 and Volume II: 1940–1973, edited by Edward Mendelson)

Da Capo al Coda

Fate, Nation, and Fatherhood: Formula 1 Emerges during a Pandemic in America (on Formula 1: Drive to Survive, created by Formula One and Netflix)

Footprints (on John Gimlette’s Elephant Complex: Travels in Sri Lanka; Rob Schmitz’s Street of Eternal Happiness; Robert Moor’s On Trails; Richard Tillinghast’s Journeys into the Mind of the World: A Book of Places; and Malachy Tallack’s The Un-Discovered Islands)

Just How New Is the Terror Paradigm? (on The Terror Dream: Fear and Fantasy in Post-9/11 America by Susan Faludi; The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot by Naomi Wolf; Takeover: The Return of the Imperial Presidency and the Subversion of American Democracy by Charlie Savage; The Terror Presidency: Law and Judgment Inside the Bush Administration by Jack Goldsmith; and Monstering: Inside America’s Policy of Secret Interrogations and Torture in the Terror War by Tara McElvey)

Keeping Company (on Quote Poet Unquote: Contemporary Quotations on Poets and Poetry, edited by Dennis O’Driscoll; A Time in Xanadu by Lars Gustafsson, translated by John Irons; Yellowrocket by Todd Boss; The Invention of the Kaleidoscope by Paisley Rekdal; In Praise of Aunts by M. R. Peacocke; National Anthem by Kevin Prufer; Want by Rick Barot; and Glory River by David Huddle)

Long Reverberations of Brutality: Books of Resistance and Expression

Memoirs on Our Mind (on I’ve Heard the Vultures Singing: Field Notes on Poetry, Illness, and Nature by Lucia Perillo; Room for Doubt by Wendy Lesser; Learning to Fly: A Writer’s Memoir by Mary Lee Settle; Kinfolks: Falling Off the Family Tree: The Search for My Melungeon Ancestors by Lisa Alther; Bigger than Life: A Murder, a Memoir by Dinah Lenney; and Just Breathe Normally by Peggy Shumaker)

Old Frontiers / New Images (on Portraits and Dreams: Photographs and Stories by Children of the Appalachians by Wendy Ewald; In the American West: 1979-1984 by Richard Avedon; & Rich and Poor by Jim Goldberg)

on 3 Nations Anthology: Native, Canadian & New England Writers, edited by Valerie Lawson

on A Down Home Meal for These Difficult Times by Meron Hadero

on Acts of Attention: The Poems of D. H. Lawrence by Sandra M. Gilbert

on Afterings by Deborah Tall

on Are We Ever Our Own by Gabrielle Lucille Fuentes

on Bark: Stories by Lorrie Moore

on Bestiary by Donika Kelly

on Big Thicket Blues by Natalie Giarratano

on Blake’s Sublime Allegory: Essays on The Four Zoas, Milton, Jerusalem by Stuart Curran, Joseph A. Wittreich

on Calling a Wolf a Wolf by Kaveh Akbar

on Certain Relevant Passages by Joe Manning

on Collected Poems, 1951-1971 by A. R. Ammons

on Fictional Transfigurations of Jesus by Theodore Ziolkowski

on Fifteen American Authors Before 1900: Bibliographic Essays on Research and Criticism by Robert A. Rees, Earl N. Harbert

on From Sundown To Sunup: The Making Of The Black Community (volume I Of The American Slave: A Composite Autobiography) by George P. Rawick; The Slave Community: Plantation Life In The Antebellum South by John W. Blassingame

on From the Mountain by Helen White, Redding S. Sugg, Jr.; & Hillbilly Women by Kathy Kahn

on Irish Poetry after Joyce by Dillon Johnston

on June in Eden by Rosalie Moffett

on Metaphors of Self: The Meaning of Autobiography by James Olney

on Poems in Persons: An Introduction to the Psychoanalysis of Literature by Norman N. Holland

on Song of the Sky: Versions of Native American Songs and Poems by Brian Swann

on The Earth Avails by Mark Wunderlich

on The Gray and the Black: The Confederate Debate on Emancipation by Robert F. Durden

on The Mystery of Iniquity: Melville as Poet, 1857-1891 by William H. Shurr

on The Next Place by Al Maginnes

on The Real West Marginal Way: A Poet’s Autobiography by Richard Hugo, Ripley S. Hugo, Lois Welch, James Welch

on The Rise of the New York Intellectuals: Partisan Review and Its Circle, 1934-1945 by Terry A. Cooney

on The Tragi-comedy of Pen Browning by Maisie Ward

on To Dwell in Sound by Jean Réti

on Unfathomable City: A New Orleans Atlas edited by Rebecca Solnit & Rebecca Snedeker

on Where the North Sea Touches Alabama by Allen C. Shelton

on WHEREAS by Layli Long Soldier

on Workable Design: Action and Situation in the Fiction of Henry James by John P. O’Neill

Pattern and Design

Seeking Refuge

The Last Noël (on The Letters of Noël Coward, edited by Barry Day)

The Moments that Matter (on Only the Little Bone by David Huddle & And Venus Is Blue by Mary Hood)

The Whirlpool of Image and Narrative Flow (on Second Language by Lisel Mueller; Sometimes Music Rises by Wayne Dodd; The Happy Man by Donald Hall; Unending Blues by Charles Simic; Living Gloves by Lynn Doyle; & Cemetery Nights by Stephen Dobyns)

To Dare a Future (on The Letters of Thom Gunn, edited by August Kleinzahler, Michael Nott, and Clive Wilmer)